Congratulations to the winners

We wanted to acknowledge the supervision and other awards that members regularly win. This is as complete as we are aware of, but we would also welcome updates/additions. Please send them to info@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org. Thank you.

Congratulations to GSN members who are 2023 EMCC award winners

Many congratulations to GSN Member Clare Smale who has been announced together with Maria Travers as the 2023 EMCC Global Coach Award winners.

Announcement available here 

Congratulations to the GSN Members Tammy Turner and Jo Birch who have been announced as 2023 EMCC Global Supervision Award winners.  Congratulations also to Eve Turner who has won EMCC Global ‘The Special President’s Award’ for her writing, research and practice contributing to supervision, and for setting up the GSN.

Announcement available here 

Congratulations to GSN members who are 2021 EMCC award winners

Many congratulations to GSN members Michelle Lucas and Robin Shohet, who have been announced as 2021 EMCC Global Supervision Award winners.

The EMCC press release can be read here 

Congratulations also to members Professor Peter Hawkins and Professor David Clutterbuck,  who have been announced as 2021 EMCC Global Team Coaching Award winners.

The EMCC press release can be read here 

Congratulations to GSN members who are 2021 Coaching at Work award winners

Contribution to Climate: Highly Commended – Zoe Cohen.

Best Article Award: Winners – Clare Norman, Michelle Lucas (with Sebastian Fox).

Supervision Award: Highly Commended – Michelle Lucas, Henry Campion and Jackee Holder.

The Coaching Supervision award went to Lorenza Clifford who has been again, focusing on the role of supervision in the context of our climate and ecological crisis and dedicating a good portion of her time to the Climate Coaching Alliance local community she skilfully leads.

Lifetime Achievement Award: David Lane for services to coaching and coaching supervision – our presenter in February 2022.

Congratulations to GSN members who are 2020 EMCC Global Supervision Award Winners

Many congratulations to GSN members Tom Battye, Professor Peter Hawkins and Lily Seto who have been announced as 2020 EMCC Global Supervision Award winners.

Dr Riza Kadilar, EMCC Global President, said of the award winners ‘EMCC exists to develop, promote, and set the expectation of best practice in supervision (as well as coaching and mentoring) globally for the benefit of society. I’m proud to see that the winners of 2020 EMCC supervision awards at both individual and institutional level are exemplary role models in line with our purpose statement. I should also extend my special thanks to our distinguished awards panel members for their diligent work in selecting such inspiring winners.

The full EMCC announcement can be read here.


Congratulations to GSN members who are 2020 Coaching at Work award winners

The winners of Coaching at Work Editor’s 2020 Awards are:

Neil Scotton – For Contributions to Climate Coaching

The Climate Coaching Alliance and its co-founders, Eve Turner, Alison Whybrow (and Josie McLean) – also For Contributions to Climate Coaching

Emma Donaldson-Feilder, Highly Commended for her article series Relational Mindfulness (Vol 15, Issues 2, 3 & 4).

The online awards can be watched here:

Congratulations to GSN members who are 2019 EMCC Global Supervision Award Winners

Many congratulations to GSN members Dr Damian Goldvarg, Dr Lise Lewis and Dr Michel Moral who have been announced as 2019 EMCC Global Supervision Award winners.

“As EMCC we define the purpose of supervision to enhance the wellbeing, and develop the practice of coaches and/or mentors of all levels of experience, and we consider supervision as a powerful vehicle for deep learning in a systemic way. I’m so proud that all three winners of EMCC 2019 supervision awards are distinguished practitioners doing excellent work extending the reach of best practice in supervision not only in Europe but also in the Americas, Africa, and French speaking countries. It is not only their contributions in terms of raising the professional standards but also their pro bono work that makes a great impact on the future of coaching and mentoring. I should also extend my special thanks to our distinguished jury members for their diligent work in selecting such high calibre winners.”
Dr Riza Kadilar, EMCC President

The full EMCC announcement can be read here.

Congratulations to GSN members at the Coaching at Work awards (July 2019)

Several GSN members were shortlisted for these prestigious annual Coaching at Work magazine annual awards, which is in itself a huge achievement. Some were also highly commended or won awards at the ceremony in London on 3 July 2019.

External Coaching/Mentoring Champion:

Highly commended: Lise Lewis

Comments: “Remarkable energy, championing mentoring and coaching internationally…There are few people who have given as much of themselves to the profession with such huge gnerosity, intelligence and humour!”

Contributions to Coaching Supervision:

Winner: Peter Welch, co-founder of the Association of Coaching Supervisors, now in its 10th year

Comments: “Peter deserves to be recognised in this special year (tenth anniversary of AoCS) for the huge amount of voluntary hours he puts into his roles, with such great passion and vigour.”

Highly commended: Jo Birch

Comments: “Major advocate and promoter of coach supervision and for raising standards…rare global perspective.”

Lise Lewis and Benita Treanor (with Claire Palmer)

Comments: “Far-reaching impact e.g. raising standards & developing supervision in the various bodies, and collaborative multi-stakeholder ventures…their work continues to reverberate a decade on.”

and Elaine Patterson (with Karyn Prentice)

Comments: “Karyn and Elaine have been the most incredibly generous, kind, supportive and amazing women” (Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust)

Shortlisted: Carol Whitaker

Best Article/article series:

Joint winners: Jonathan Passmore and Eve Turner for their two part series (with Marta Filipiak) on their research on how coach supervisors respond to ethical dilemmas and tricky issues, research supported by GSN members.

Comments: “Global span…a thought provoking, challenging and important series.

Highly commended: Elaine Patterson and the 7Cs

Comments: “Inspiring and practical”

Shortlisted: David Clutterbuck Coaching teams of teams; Eve Turner and Peter Hawkins’ on how to use recordings in supervision; Eve Turner’s Tried and Tested on her Halo and Horns model.

(Occasional) Lifetime Achievement Award

Winner: Fiona Adamson

Comments: “Authentic, unsung hero, humble, wise. Utter delight…one of the people the field of coaching supervision owes a debt to.”

David Gray was also posthumously given this Award.

Congratulations to GSN members Tatiana Bachkirova, Angela Wright and Eve Turner at the EMCC 2018 supervision awards (January 2019)

GSN members Professor Tatiana Bachkirova and Eve Turner and Angela Wright, jointly won the 2018 Supervision Award at the EMCC January 2019 Coaching, Mentoring, and Supervision Awards.

Eve says: “I am thrilled, surprised, honoured, and humbled to have received the EMCC Supervision Award, and I am really grateful to those who took the time to make nominations, to the judges for their time, and to the EMCC for highlighting the importance of supervision.  In the decade since my supervision training, I’ve been fortunate to work with the most amazing, supportive people as supervisor, writer, and researcher. When I set up the Global Supervisors’ Network (GSN) to provide CPD for trained and qualified supervisors I had no idea it would grow to the current 150 members globally. By January 2019 we’ve run 80 webinars at no cost to members to join or attend. Volunteering has also provided wonderful opportunities, with the EMCC, and on important humanitarian projects as a volunteer supervisor, like CoachActivism with refugees, and most recently through the GSN as a supervision partner to EthicalCoach for charities and non-profit organisations. Thank you so much for this encouragement.”

Tatiana says: “Thank  you  very  much,  EMCC!  It  is  lovely  to  receive  such  recognition  in  the  professional area that is so close to my heart. Long live coaching supervision for the benefit of the whole coaching field!”

Angela says: “I feel honoured and humbled to receive this award from such a highly regarded organisation as EMCC, whose purpose and vision are so closely aligned with my own. On a personal level, this feels like a milestone in my own journey from a lawyer to coach and coach supervisor , which started over 10 years ago. As a very small lever in this huge system of which we are all a part, I acknowledge those who have supported and motivated me in my work, including my amazing supervisors and supervisees, the wonderful members of our supervision groups, and the enthusiastic coaches who participated in the recent coaching supervision research project. Your openness and generosity provide the impetus and energy for this work. I believe that we are at a pivotal moment in the evolution of coaching supervision, particularly in the USA. It is a privilege to be able to play, even a small part, in its co-creation and emergence in what I hope is a positive and powerful way. Thank you doesn’t even come close to describing the gratitude I feel towards my teachers, mentors, colleagues, and friends at the University of Sydney, who opened up this world to me, and inspire me to be more, and do more, every day. Finally, I’d like to thank my teachers and ‘my tribe’ and Oxford Brookes University in the UK , whose wisdom, guidance (and humour) I cherish.”

Congratulations to GSN members at the Coaching at Work awards (July 2018)

Quite a few GSN members were nominated and highly commended or won awards at the Coaching at Work magazine annual awards in London on 4 July 2018.

Contributions to External Coaching

Winner: Anne Hathaway – for her work on Time To Think over many years.  Anne is co-leading the August 2018 session on Supervision and Time To Think.

Highly Commended: Jackee Holder – for a range of work including around reflective writing and journaling and her work in diverse practice.  Jackee ran the January 2017 GSN session.

Best Article/Series

Winner: Louise Sheppard – for her work on supervisee-led supervision.  This formed a number of excellent articles for the magazine and was the basis of her February 2018 GSN sessions.

Highly commended: Eve Turner and Jonathan Passmore – for research (involving many GSN members) on ethics & supervision and development of their ethical decision-making model.

Contributions to Supervision

Winner: Eve Turner – for GSN, voluntary work, writing and research. Co-leading a GSN session in August.

Nominees: Peter Welch – who co-founded and helps lead the Association of Coaching Supervisors and is involved in a project looking at ethics for the AC/AOCS.  Peter co-led a GSN session in June.

Nominees: Louise Sheppard – for her work on research and supervision presented in part in February for the GSN.

Nominees: Michelle Lucas and Carol Whitaker – who have written two highly rated books on supervision.  Both very active, Michelle leads on supervision for the Association for Coaching and Carol presented the April 2018 GSN session with Angela Dunbar.  Together they have produced a report on “How different kinds of supervision affect experience” which was circulated to GSN members earlier this week.

Congratulations to them all!