Eve Turner and Professor Jonathan Passmore began a research project in May 2016 on dealing with “tricky” dilemmas in supervision. Stage 1, an online survey, was completed by autumn 2016. Stage 2, involving follow-up interviews with some of the online survey participants in Europe, the USA and Canada and the UK was completed a few months later. Additionally we have had input from the coaching professional bodies through questionnaires and follow-up interviews. Analysis took place throughout 2017.
The findings are being shared in conferences, webinars and articles. An initial presentation was given on in March 2017 when Jonathan and Eve presented headline findings at the EMCC’s annual conference in Edinburgh. An article was published in Coaching at Work November/December 2017 edition – The Trusting Kind in Vol 15 (6), pp34-39. And the first peer-reviewed article was published in February 2018 in the IJEBCM – The International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. It is entitled Ethical dilemmas and tricky decisions: A global perspective of coaching supervisors’ practices in coach ethical decision-making. Two more articles are appearing in Coaching at Work based on one-to-one interviews with supervisors. The first appeared in the November/December 2018 edition – Blowin’ in the wind in Vol. 13 (6) pp36-40. The second will appear in January 2019.
Supervisors, coaches and consultants, and anyone else interested in the results, are invited to e-mail Eve if they would like to receive copies of the findings. Many thanks to the one hundred plus supervisors across the globe who took part in Stage 1, to those supervisors who took part in the subsequent one-to-one interviews for Stage 2, and to the professional bodies for their support and input into Stage 3.
At the Coaching at Work awards on 4 July 2018 Eve and Jonathan Passmore were Highly Commended in the Best Article/Series category for their research article.
Eve and Jonathan are delighted that their subsequent series, with researcher Marta Filipiak, won the 2019 Coaching at Work Award for Best Article/Series. Comments included: “Global span…a thought provoking, challenging and important series.”
Our grateful thanks to all the coaches, supervisors and professional body representatives who took part.