Collaborations - working with others in our field

The GSN has always been keen to work with other practitioners, communities and professional bodies since its inception in late 2015/early 2016.  We have supported supervision conferences, other supervision communities, and conferences on the topic of ethics, a cornerstone of our practice.  The GSN is also delighted to be part of external collaborations like the Joint Global Statement Group on climate change (made up of 13 collaborations between professional bodies and communities).  Below are some of those we are proud to partner with.  If you have suggestions or questions please do contact the GSN’s strategy team via  Thank you.


Supervision conferences:

Oxford Brookes University: International Conferences on Coaching Supervision.  The twelfth conference took place in May 2024.  The 2025 conference will be held on 15th May as a hybrid conference, both online and in person in Oxford, England.  You can book for in-person or online attendance here.  The theme for 2025 – “Supervision: Its core and its edges” – invites participants to explore what is at the heart of supervision and what might be more marginal.

The Americas Coaching Supervision Network has a virtual annual conference.  The 8th conference is taking place on 11th and 12th April 2025, and you can find out more details here.  The aims are:

  • Re-imagining coaching supervision in the current and future context, namely: environment; social and restorative justice; ethics; war and conflict; economic & political changes; Gen AI; coaching platforms; increasing demand for data and metrics
  • How to be, what to do, where to focus, what to become aware of in this current landscape.
  • What tools and skills will be helpful in navigating these new horizons.

European Association for Supervision and Coaching (EASC): has an annual conference. the most recent was September 2024 in Prague.  The theme was Power and Powerlessness in Supervising and Coaching.

A Relational Systemic SUPERvision conference on SUPERvision and Belonging took place on Wednesday 2nd October 2024.  These annual conferences are run by the CoachME Beckett McInroy Consultancy.

Coaching Ethics Forum:

The Coaching Ethics Forum has an annual conference; in 2024 it was held over 3 days 5-7 December.   There is also a regular programme of events across the year and a free to access Journal of Coaching Ethics.   The 2025 ethics conference will be held on 2nd and 3rd December, exploring the theme of Conscious Power for Ethical Maturity: Exploring Integrity, Influence, and Responsibility.’

The CEF is also holding Champions of Courage Awards for the first time in 2025, with submissions opening on 20th February and closing on 30th May. 

GSN as a member of external communities:

The GSN was delighted to be invited to join a number of other professional bodies and communities who are signatories to the Joint Statement on the climate and ecodiversity crises.  This statement is currently being updated, with a new name.  You can find out more details by following the “Supervision and Our Responsible Horizons” GSN working group.  This will be discussed on 24th and 25th April 2025, with signatories who have been drafting the new statement, including Rita Symons (EMCC), Anjali Nair (IAC), Brian Lowell French (IAC), Hetty Einzig (AC) and Eve Turner (GSN) along with fellow GSN representatives on the wider signatory team, Anna Casas and Helena Hettinga.

The full list of members are: GSN (Global Supervisors’ Network) and AC (Association for Coaching), APAC (Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches), APECS (the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision), BPS-DOCP (British Psychological Society – division of coaching psychology), CCA (Climate Coaching Alliance), COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa), EASC (European Association for Supervision and Coaching), EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council), IAC (International Association of Coaching), ICF (International Coach Federation), IoC (Institute of Coaching), and the ISCP (International Society for Coaching Psychology).

Global Supervisors Network