The Global Supervisors’ Network (GSN) is a participative network set up by Eve Turner, free of charge, for experienced and qualified supervisors to provide each other with, and receive, Continuing Personal and Professional Development virtually (online using Zoom).

Eligibility to join: The only criterion for joining is that you are a qualified and experienced supervisor for coaches, mentors and/or consultants. The GSN is aimed at supervisors who have 50 hours’ minimum supervision provision under their belt because, being free of charge, it can only succeed if the members offer sessions as well as receive them!

Principles and protocols: GSN principles and protocols were written at the inaugural meetings in January 2016. If you do decide to join the network, you are effectively agreeing to these principles and protocols, so please do read them before applying.

Our community: It is a friendly and reflective community.  We have more than 370 members around the world, including supervisors working in America, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Oman, Vietnam as well as Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Singapore and the UK. We have established a community that is bringing together like-minded people and seems to be filling a mutual learning and sharing gap for others that Eve had identified for herself.

Topics we discuss: Network members pull together sessions and workshops based upon topics that supervisors have expressed an interest in receiving development on while also aiming to reflect what is going on in latest thinking in the field. The sessions are led by some of the fabulous members of the Network from around the world.  This includes acknowledged leaders in the field such as Robin Shohet, Julie Hay, Peter Hawkins, Hetty Einzig, Paul Lawrence, David Lane, Tatiana Bachkirova, Elaine Patterson and David Clutterbuck.

Our session schedule is available here.  Attendance is free and for members only.  CPD certificates are provided for those who attend sessions in person.

When sessions take place: We hold two or more virtual sessions per month.

Each topic is covered in two sessions:

1) 7.00pm, Thursday, British time and
2) 8.00am, Friday, British time

with members choosing the session that best fits their time zone.

Sessions typically last 1 – 1.5 hours.

Additional benefits of the GSN
  • Access to materials: The GSN has a shared Dropbox folder where members may access recordings and papers from previous sessions as well as contact information for fellow members.
  • CPD attendance certificate: Members who participate in sessions will get a generic CPD certificate confirming their attendance (if your certificate needs to be personalized with your name on it, we have a VA who you can pay to do this for you).
  • We have 5 active working groups:
    • Supervision of Supervision
    • Research – actively supporting members to do research and engage in writing in the field
    • Internal Supervision and Coaching
    • Mental Health and Supervision
    • Supervision and Our Responsible Horizons

And one joint community of practice on Supervision of Team Coaching

If you would like to join any of these groups please go to the working groups page.

Running the GSN community

The network is entirely run by volunteers so please be patient with us!  And the majority of ongoing costs like the website, domain names and hosting are paid by Eve herself with thanks to Edna McKelvey who has taken over the cost of our Dropbox account from Autumn 2024 and Henry Campion who is now paying for the GSN Zoom account.  Huge appreciation goes to all our wonderful volunteers past and present, who are crucial to the GSN’s success and sustainability.

The volunteers are currently Jane Cox, Nicci Statham, Gillian Walter, Eileen Duncan, Melanie Symes, Brenda Routt, and Eve Turner (overseeing the community as the strategy team); the content team of Eileen Duncan (who oversees), Jane Cox, Neil Ralph, Ann Wright, Sharon Jansen and Eve Turner; our session hosts Brenda Routt (who oversees), Angela Dunbar, Angela Jopling, Hellen Hettinga, Jeanine Bailey, Rachael Skews, Mary Britton, Veronica Wantenaar and Eve Turner; our membership team of Gillian Walter, Jo Searle, Alson Boo, Maggie Joao and Clare Smale; our technical team of Edna McKelvey (who is overseeing Dropbox, a big task), Philippe Buyze and Chris Stribblehill and those running our working groups: Colleen Harding, Jonathan Sibley, Leanne Lowish, Larissa Thurlow, Traci Manalani, Cheryl Cooper, Jen Kidby, Anne Archer, Hellen Hettinga, Anna Casas and Eve Turner.

How to apply to join the GSN

If you would like to join, please complete the following form.  Should you encounter any issues with the form, or have questions, please email and Jo will respond.

Your coaching supervision experience and qualifications

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Your contact details

We have created a database of member’s locations and email addresses to allow people to connect with each other, meet-face-to-face or form small interest sub-groups if they wish.
Do you subscribe to a Code of Ethics?(Required)

Session topics

Personal use(Required)
GDPR consent(Required)