Members can choose to be involved in working groups.
You can contact the lead supervisor(s) for each group to find out more about that group and how to become involved using the email addresses below.
- Research – actively supporting members to do research and engage in writing in the field
Research in coaching supervision is still embryonic and yet we have a wonderful resource of coaches, supervisors, and researchers within the GSN who are well placed to both tell the stories of their experiences and to support the development of new research in this important and changing area.
We have a vision for several possibilities. For example, those new to research may appreciate some guidance on how to undertake research; experienced researchers may appreciate working with a peer group to develop or test out their research ideas; and some may have ideas for research that will help us to further develop our profession.
In the first instance we reached out to members of the network to discover more about our interests and experiences. Several small groups formed, some with a clear idea of what they are looking for and other groups have been more exploratory.
In the exploratory groups we have had a coming together of different philosophies, experience, interests and curiosities, and differences in availability of time and knowledge about research. In these groups we have discovered much about the challenges of researching in teams, as well coming to understand more about how much we know about research, what there is still to learn, and the challenges of being a practitioner interested in research.
As we move forwards, we will be encouraging two kinds of research environment. Firstly, a conduit through which experienced researchers can come together to explore and develop particular projects. Secondly, a developmental environment where those who do not have experience of research can come together to learn more about research and to engage in supported forays into the research environment.
Contact Colleen Harding: researchSIG@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org
- Supervision of Supervision
For those interested in participating in Supervision of Supervision with other GSN members, Jonathan Sibley and Leanne Lowish are running groups of up to 8 supervisors. There are currently two groups running. The one led by Jonathan and geared more to western time zones is on the third Thursday of the month, from 10 am – 12 pm US ET (15:00 – 17:00 UK time) approximately every 2 months. The next date is May 15th. This group is currently almost full but a further group may start if needed.
The second group is geared to more eastern time zones, run by Leanne, and the dates and times for this are 16:30-18:00 Pacific Time (00:30-02:00 UK time, 8:30-10:00 Singapore, 11:30-13:00 Sydney and 13:30-15:00 Auckland the following day). The dates for 2025 are Mon 14th April US/Tues 15th April APAC, Mon 26th May US/Tues 27th May APAC. This group is open to new members.
These groups are for GSN members and are practice-focused supervision of supervision groups (rather than research focused). Members of the group may choose to share learnings from this group within the bounds of confidentiality and agreed-upon privacy. For further details please contact Jonathan and Leanne.
Contact Jonathan Sibley and Leanne Lowish: SoSworkinggroup@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org
- Supervision and our Responsible Horizons
What are the decisions we take individually and collectively and how do they shape our world and all the living beings in it, human and more-than-human, now and for the future? What is our role (as supervisors) in the many complex and interconnected challenges facing our societies – from social justice matters (such as racism, neurotypicalism, ageism, LGBTQIA and gender bias) to economic growth that may strip the earth’s resources, leading to climate change and reducing biodiversity. Is our role to support and anchor how things are, or to be part of deeper transformations? These are not easy questions. We invite you to join this reflective group to come together and discuss some of these big questions and hopefully come up with some ways forward. The group is co-facilitated by Anna Casas, Hellen Hettinga and Eve Turner.
The next dates set for this group, all given in UK time are: Thursday 24th and Friday 25th April, Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd May, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th July.
The sessions are on Thursdays at 7pm UK time and Fridays at 8am for one hour. For registration links please see the GSN emails or email the address below, thank you.
24/25 April, 2025 – Collaborative hope in the eye of the storm – how do we supervisors respond to these turbulent times? – Rita Symons, Anjali Nair, Brian Lowell French, Hetty Einzig, Anna Brown, Rachael Skews and Eve Turner. Hosts: Thursday and Friday: Helena Hettinga and Anna Casas. See main schedule.
22/23 May 2025 – HOPE – What is your personal relationship to hope? How do you experience hope in your work and in your life? Do we need hope to live? – Rev Clare Southall with hosts Thursday and Friday Helena Hettinga and Anna Casas. Could a more effective discourse about hope be a mobilizing force for change?
19/20 June 2025 – Living Systems in Supervision – Andra Morosi with hosts Thursday and Friday Helena Hettinga and Anna Casas. This is inspired by Andra’s research and learning from permaculture, gardening, complexity of systems and warm data. We will explore and challenge the edges and boundaries of our profession.
10/11 July 2025 – Supervision and Our Responsible Horizons. Topic to be confirmed. Presenters/Hosts: Anna Casas, Helena Hettinga and Eve Turner
Contact Anna, Hellen or Eve: responsiblehorizons@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org
- Mental Health and Supervision
If you are interested in becoming part of this working group, please get in touch with Anne Archer.
Contact Anne: mentalhealthworkinggroup@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org
- Internal Supervision and Coaching
If you are interested in becoming part of this working group, please get in touch with Cheryl Cooper or Jen Kidby.
Contact Cheryl and Jen: internalsupervisionworkinggroup@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org
- Supervision of Team Coaching Community of Practice
This is a joint community of practice with the Americas Coaching Supervision Network which Larissa Thurlow and Traci Manalani have been running for the ACSN since 2022. It is for practicing supervisors and coaches that are experienced in team coaching and/or working with/as team coaches and is a learning community to share your challenges, inquiries, experience and expertise while developing and strengthening peer relationships that will help us all grow as practitioners and better support our clients.
The group meets monthly and the next dates are Thursday 17th April, Thursday 15th May and Thursday 12th June 2025.
For details please see the GSN member emails or contact the email below. Thank you.
Contact Larissa and Traci: SoTCCoP@globalsupervisorsnetwork.org